Here we’ve summarized some cool WordPress themes ranging from appearance, speed, SEO, and also mobile view so you don’t have to bother to browse one by one. Here are 3 of the coolest WordPress themes in 2020 at a very cheap price.

1. Breek – Minimal Masonry Theme for WordPress

Breek Theme is a WordPress theme created by EstudioPatagon, this theme greatly highlights the loading speed of its pages. With speeds above the GTMetrix 90 for both version PageSpeed and YSlow, this theme is perfect for those who want the satisfaction of visitors in visiting your website. Although inexpensive, this theme still has a very modern look of future technological nuance, with a masonry view of the content as well as some header styles and also space for ad placement makes this theme still a lot of it. When this article was written, this theme already has 1000 more Sales, so it attracts many people to sell. Currently Breek theme is sold at a price of $39, for the convenience of buyers, this theme Developer provides online documentation so that it will make it easier for you to install and configure this theme. You can get Breek theme through this link click here.

2. Digiqole – News Magazine WordPress Theme

Digiqole WordPress Theme is also one of the cheap quality themes of our choice, this theme has a more dominant design advantage to the news website. But although it is used for other categories of websites This theme is also not bad. The Digiqole theme supports for use with Elementor Page Builder, so you can create more varied designs at your own pace. This theme also has multiple header and footer styles that you can choose to maximize appearance of your website. Digiqole has some cool demos that can be installed directly by the buyer. When this article is written, the Digiqole theme is sold at a price of $35 so with this cheap price, you will be able to have a website with a very elegant and cool appearance. You can buy Digiqole via this link click here.

3. Pixwell – Modern Magazine

This theme is designed by Theme-Ruby, Pixwell has a very cool theme design and of course with a very cheap price, only $29. This theme uses the drag and drop facility to create a variety of themes using Ruby Composer, but it also supports Elementor so it will make you more freely to create variations of your website. The interesting is this theme also applies the concept of Infinite Single Load Next, so that after the visitor finishes reading an article, this system will automatically load subsequent posts or related posts, of course this can improve pageviews and also minimize the bounce rate of your website. With a cheap price of just $29 of course this theme is perfect to choose to be one of your WordPress theme collection. To get Pixwell you can visit the following link click here.

4. Vinkmag – Multi-concept News Magazine WordPress Theme

In the last position is the Vinkmag theme, this theme was created by XpeedStudio and has over 40 super cool demos. Vinkmag theme is actually more focused on the magazine style, but with the sheer number of demos that continue to be developed this one theme is also suitable for websites with other niche. Vinkmag has a lot of header and footer styles, and this theme also support for Woocommerce plugin. This theme is designed with Elementor page Builder which in addition lightweight, of course can be changed easily the style of content that we want. When this article was written, Vinkmag theme was sold at a price of $29. This vinkmag is perfect for those of you who want to create news sites and other similar sites. You can download Vinkmag via the following link click here.