Installing the driver of the graphic card

This mistake of computers not recognizing GPU is very common and obvious. After you install the card of graphics, Windows will install automatically the required driver of the graphics card that has been built before into the card of graphics. However, you sometimes should update the driver quickly and also download some additional files. It is to make the graphics card run properly. 

Checking whether the card of the graphic is available or not

First, you should open Run by pressing the Key of Windows + R. Then, open the computer’s Device Manager by typing devmgmt.MSc & pressing OK. After getting into Device Manager, you should expand the Display Adapter. Check whether there will be lists of the graphics card or yours or not. If you get it, you can do a Right-click on it. After that, select the Properties.  Then, get into the tab of Driver to check whether the button if Enable is available or not. If the driver of the Graphic Card has been enabled, then, you must see the button of Disable. If not, you may click on the button Enable. Then, the system should be rebooted. Finally, you can check the improvements.

Enable your GPU of Discrete in the BIOS

When you have a unit of discrete and integrated graphics, Windows may not detect well one of them although you have tried to enable it from the BIOS directly. To do that follow these steps: You only have to enter Bios with a few key combinations. After entering Bios, find the dGPU feature and set it to Enabled. This feature is usually located in the Chipset> dGPU Configuration section. Many users have reported clearly that after they enabled dGPU in the BIOS, the problem was completely resolved. Note that this choice is usually called or known as switchable graphics, then, some terms may differ depending on your motherboard BIOS type, which is why we recommend checking the motherboard manual of yours. Well, those are some solutions to try to solve the case of a computer not recognizing GPU.