It is also used to change how the title, subtitle, header, subheading, body of text, and other text styles look in a Word document. As explained above, bold, italic, underline, strike through, subscript, superscript, change case, text highlight color, and font color are just a few of the buttons that can be used to deliver commands for font formatting. These commands may be found under the Font group. These are covered in the following section.

Font Family

The first command in the “font group,” “font,” is used to modify the chosen font’s formatting into the desired styles. Calibri is the default font and size in Word.

Change Font Size

The second command in the font group, “font size,” is used to increase or decrease the selected font size. Word’s standard font size is 11. Below are keyboard shortcuts for adjusting the text size. Shortcut Keys for Increasing or Decreasing the Font Size:

Ctrl + Shift + >          →  To increase the selected font size (2 or more than 2 points)Ctrl + Shift + <          →  To decrease the chosen font size (2 or more than 2 points) Ctrl + }]                      →  To increase the chosen font size (1 point)Ctrl + {[                      →  To increase the chosen font size (1 point).

Text Formatting in ms word

Increase/Grow Font Size:

To increase the selected font size as shown in the picture above, do the following: Keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl + Shift + > (To increase 2 or more than 2 points size)Ctrl +] (To increase the size of one point). 

Decrease/Shrink Font Size:

To decrease the selected font size as shown in the picture above, do the following: Keyboard Shortcuts   → Ctrl + Shift + <     (To decrease 2  or more than 2 points size)                                        → Ctrl + [{                 (To decrease 1 point size). 

Bold the text:

Make the text  Bold where it is selected. Making text bold means changing the font thicker.  Keyboard Shortcut  → Ctrl + B

Italicize the Text for Formatting Text:

Italicize the selected text. This means that the body of the font leans forward. This formatting can be used for unique fonts in content.   Keyboard Shortcut  → Ctrl + I

Underline the Text for Formatting Text:

Underlining is used to highlight the selected text. It is used on the main text in a heading, subheading, or text body. In contrast to everything else in the text, it seems to be just as good as the header. Keyboard Shortcut → Ctrl + U


Strikethrough means adding a line through the middle of the text where you select.


Subscript means making the selected letter or number smaller to the base of any text or number/s in the Font Group in a Microsoft Word Document.


Superscript means making the selected letter or number smaller to the power of any text or number/s in Font Group in Microsoft Word Document.

Change case – Text Formatting

Change the selected text to Sentence Case, Lower Case, Upper Case, or Toggle Case and Capitalize Each Word. Keyboard Shortcut → Shift + F3. Sentence Case:  In a Sentence Case, each Letter and Noun in a Sentence begins with a capital letter. Sentence case is the general and widely used written content/paragraph format.  Lower Case: Changing all the selected text too small letters, called lower case. Upper case: Changing all the selected text to the CAPITAL LETTERS, called UPPER CASE. Capitalize Each Word: Capitalize the first letter of each word in a sentence, called Capitalize Each Word.  Toggle Case: In the Toggle Case, the first letter of a word is small and the remaining are Capital. 

Text Highlight Color to Format the Font:

It highlights the selected text with colour. To do so, select the font /text that you want to increase highlight → Then click the drop-down arrow of the text highlight colour to expand the numbers → Now select one of the colours you want.

Text Effects and Typography:

By providing the text with various shapes, such as a glow, outline, shadow, or reflection, text effects can be created. Text effects are the name of this procedure. The process of altering the type’s layout is known as typography. Modifying the quantity of styles, ligatures, and stylistic sets falls under this category.

Font Color:

Change the text in different colours where it is selected

Clear Formatting:

Clear all the selected text formatting (Formatted text means making the selected text Bold, Italic, Underline, Font Style, Different Font sizes, Font Color, etc.).

Font Dialogue Box:

In this, you can add different effects and character spacing to the font in addition to the Font group.

Steps to follow in Formatting the Text:

Go to the Home tab Type or keep some text you want  Then select the text you want to apply the formatting  In the Font group, click any Command to apply Formatting. For example Bold, Italics, Size, Color, etc. 

title: “Font Text Formatting Group In Ms Word” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-23” author: “Barbara Sullivan”

It is also used to change how the title, subtitle, header, subheading, body of text, and other text styles look in a Word document. As explained above, bold, italic, underline, strike through, subscript, superscript, change case, text highlight color, and font color are just a few of the buttons that can be used to deliver commands for font formatting. These commands may be found under the Font group. These are covered in the following section.

Font Family

The first command in the “font group,” “font,” is used to modify the chosen font’s formatting into the desired styles. Calibri is the default font and size in Word.

Change Font Size

The second command in the font group, “font size,” is used to increase or decrease the selected font size. Word’s standard font size is 11. Below are keyboard shortcuts for adjusting the text size. Shortcut Keys for Increasing or Decreasing the Font Size:

Ctrl + Shift + >          →  To increase the selected font size (2 or more than 2 points)Ctrl + Shift + <          →  To decrease the chosen font size (2 or more than 2 points) Ctrl + }]                      →  To increase the chosen font size (1 point)Ctrl + {[                      →  To increase the chosen font size (1 point).

Text Formatting in ms word

Increase/Grow Font Size:

To increase the selected font size as shown in the picture above, do the following: Keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl + Shift + > (To increase 2 or more than 2 points size)Ctrl +] (To increase the size of one point). 

Decrease/Shrink Font Size:

To decrease the selected font size as shown in the picture above, do the following: Keyboard Shortcuts   → Ctrl + Shift + <     (To decrease 2  or more than 2 points size)                                        → Ctrl + [{                 (To decrease 1 point size). 

Bold the text:

Make the text  Bold where it is selected. Making text bold means changing the font thicker.  Keyboard Shortcut  → Ctrl + B

Italicize the Text for Formatting Text:

Italicize the selected text. This means that the body of the font leans forward. This formatting can be used for unique fonts in content.   Keyboard Shortcut  → Ctrl + I

Underline the Text for Formatting Text:

Underlining is used to highlight the selected text. It is used on the main text in a heading, subheading, or text body. In contrast to everything else in the text, it seems to be just as good as the header. Keyboard Shortcut → Ctrl + U


Strikethrough means adding a line through the middle of the text where you select.


Subscript means making the selected letter or number smaller to the base of any text or number/s in the Font Group in a Microsoft Word Document.


Superscript means making the selected letter or number smaller to the power of any text or number/s in Font Group in Microsoft Word Document.

Change case – Text Formatting

Change the selected text to Sentence Case, Lower Case, Upper Case, or Toggle Case and Capitalize Each Word. Keyboard Shortcut → Shift + F3. Sentence Case:  In a Sentence Case, each Letter and Noun in a Sentence begins with a capital letter. Sentence case is the general and widely used written content/paragraph format.  Lower Case: Changing all the selected text too small letters, called lower case. Upper case: Changing all the selected text to the CAPITAL LETTERS, called UPPER CASE. Capitalize Each Word: Capitalize the first letter of each word in a sentence, called Capitalize Each Word.  Toggle Case: In the Toggle Case, the first letter of a word is small and the remaining are Capital. 

Text Highlight Color to Format the Font:

It highlights the selected text with colour. To do so, select the font /text that you want to increase highlight → Then click the drop-down arrow of the text highlight colour to expand the numbers → Now select one of the colours you want.

Text Effects and Typography:

By providing the text with various shapes, such as a glow, outline, shadow, or reflection, text effects can be created. Text effects are the name of this procedure. The process of altering the type’s layout is known as typography. Modifying the quantity of styles, ligatures, and stylistic sets falls under this category.

Font Color:

Change the text in different colours where it is selected

Clear Formatting:

Clear all the selected text formatting (Formatted text means making the selected text Bold, Italic, Underline, Font Style, Different Font sizes, Font Color, etc.).

Font Dialogue Box:

In this, you can add different effects and character spacing to the font in addition to the Font group.

Steps to follow in Formatting the Text:

Go to the Home tab Type or keep some text you want  Then select the text you want to apply the formatting  In the Font group, click any Command to apply Formatting. For example Bold, Italics, Size, Color, etc.