How to Opt-out Data Tracking on AT&T, Verizon, Sprint & T-Mobile

Companies use your data all the time. Facebook recently came through the scanner for unclear policy terms that actually laid out how your data is ‘sold’ to advertisers. Google does it too. And incidentally, network service providers have been doing it for long, according to AT&T which is now considering doing the same. The marketing copy goes like this: your data is being sold to the advertisers so that the ads can be personalized and cater to your needs more precisely. The most damning part of this is that your iPhone’s/iPad’s browser history, the iPhone/iPad location, etc. are tracked, stored and – anonymized and aggregated – and then sold. TechCrunch, which reported this change of policies in AT&T, says data anonymization just doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to. The new policy says: It’s a beautiful trick because by default, the data collection is enabled and it is only disabled when you don’t want AT&T to track the data. If you are an iPhone user (or an iPad user) and a subscriber of AT&T, you might want to disable this.

How to Disable this and opt out of the tracking for AT&T

Go to Att.comLogin to your accountOpt-out and logout of your account. That’s it

For Verizon

You can opt out by calling 1-800-333-9956Or login to My VerizonClick on the ‘Account’ tabGo to Account Profile, scroll to Alerts & PreferencesNow click on Manage Privacy Settings and disable it


You opt-out of the services via this link.


You’ll have to disable the cookie settings via NAI, the agency that T-Mobile goes through. The link is here. That’s all, mate! Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback with us in the comment section.