Furthermore, if you are reading this article, you are likely experiencing high memory usage on your Windows 10 computer, which is causing the previously described consequence on your computer. Multiple users have complained about this issue on platforms such as Reddit and the Microsoft forum to ease your fears, so it’s a general problem. As a result, the focus of this post will be on what you need to know about high memory usage, the causes of RAM and CPU difficulties, and how to fix high RAM and CPU usage in Windows 10.

What is High Memory Usage Issue in Windows 10

When a computer’s RAM and ROM are filled with too many applications, memory, or cache files, the computer’s RAM and ROM become overloaded. In this instance, your computer may display a message reading, “Your computer is low on memory.” Your PC may not even give you a warning, but it may begin to function slowly, and you may be unable to launch some apps. Yes, some software sometimes consumes lots of memory , but this isn’t always the cause. You can also use the task manager to monitor memory utilization. To check your memory use, simply right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager. So if the task manager shows a very high CPU float without necessarily running a high memory program, then that’s another case of this issue. However, we’ll do our best to cover the best solutions for the issue regardless of the causes.

Causes of High RAM and CPU Usage issue in Windows 10

Getting faced with high memory usage issues and looking for the likely reasons behind it? There are actually various things that cause this problem on computers, but the important ones are listed below:

Overcrowding your computer with many processesMalware attacks Having a lot of programs in your PC startupProblem with a programRegistry hackLow memory spaceDisk file system error 

Fix High RAM and CPU Usage in Windows 10

If you are being faced with an issue, here is a list of the most effective solutions to fix high RAM and CPU Usage in Windows 10:

1. Run Antivirus

Sometimes, what causes high memory usage can be traced back to the presence of malware on your computer, which most users don’t know. To be sure of this and consequently fix the problem, use antivirus to deep scan your PC for viruses and if you find any, do well to remove them. If you find none, then move on to the next solution to fix high RAM and CPU usage on your Windows 10 computer Tip: It’s best to use antivirus like Bitfender Antivirus Plus, Norton Antivirus Plus, and Malwarebytes.

2. Close Unused Programs 

As we all know, this problem occurs when your computer’s RAM gets overloaded to the point that there is little to no room for the computer to function correctly. As a result of this discovery, you’ll need to close unnecessary apps on your computer to clear up space so it can run more efficiently. Here’s how to do it using Windows Task Manager: Step 1: Right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager from the resulting menu Step 2: On the Task Manager Windows, click on the program you wish to close and select End task. Also, some apps operate in the background on your computer, such as OneDrive, Telegram, Skype, Microsoft Teams, and a few others, which is a key cause of excessive memory utilization. To free up space for necessary programs, disable background apps by: Step 1: Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Settings on your PC Step 2: Click on Privacy, then select Background app. Step 3: Then toggle off the option that reads Let apps run in the background. Doing these will help fix the high memory usage as far as it’s concerned  ALSO READ: How to Disable Background Apps in Windows 11

3. Adjust Your Computer For The Best Performance 

Making your PC optimized to adjust is another way to fix high RAM and CPU usage. Several unnecessary things go on in the background on our computer, and all this sounds good when you are not using your computer for heavy stuff too. But when too many things are being run in the background, with heavy operations like gaming, you’ll most likely not be able to get the best out of such a PC. Hence, you can adjust your computer for the best performance by: Step 1: Open File Explorer, right-click on This PC, and select Properties. Step 2: Click Advanced system settings in the resulting window. Step 4: Select Settings under Advanced tab in the Performance section. Step 3: Check the Adjust for best performance box and select Apply. Step 4: Select OK to save the changes. 

4. Optimize Virtual Memory 

You’ve probably noticed that the most frequently discussed subject in this article is memory. Increasing the virtual memory capacity is one approach to making more memory available on your computer. This step will use more disk space to produce memory for a computer to run efficiently, hence resolving the problem of high memory usage. Here’s how to do it: Step 1: Open File Explorer and right-click This PC. From the resulting menu, click on Properties. Step 2: Select Advanced system settings in the pop-up window. Step 3: Then switch to the Advanced tab on the resulting window and click Settings under the Performance section. Step 4: Navigate to the Advanced tab again on the Performance Options window and select Change… Step 5: Untick Automatically manage paging file size for all drives, select your hard drive and check the System managed size box. After that, click OK. Restart your computer after the whole process to effect the changes.

5. Disable Startup Programs

Startup programs run automatically whenever your computer boots. However, they are not necessary in most cases and could consume a lot of memory on your computer. This is why it’s best recommended to disable the startup programs on your computer. To do this: Step 1: Press Ctrl + Alt + Del keys to open Windows Task Manager Step 2: Select Startup on the task manager page and right-click the program(s) you wish to disable. Step 3: Click Disable. 

6. Set Registry Hack

The registry holds files to customize your Windows 10 computer, and by altering some values in it, you can create more virtual memory for your computer. However, creating a Restore Point on your PC is recommended before going on with this approach. Step 1: Press Windows + R keys to open the Run command box. Step 2: Type in regedit on the window and select OK. Step 3: Navigate to  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/Memory Management path. Step 4: In the Memory Management folder, right-click ClearPageFileAtShutdown and select Modify. Step 5: On the resulting page, change the Value data to 1 and hit OK afterward. After these, restart your computer to effect the changes.

7. Defragment Hard Drives

This method will also help create more memory space on your computer, and this is how to go about it: Step 1: Press Windows + R keys to open the Run command box. Step 2: Type in dfrgui and press Enter to open the Program on your computer Step 3: Click on the hard drive(s) you want to defragment and hit Optimize at the bottom of the screen.  Step 4: Then wait till the process finishes and restart your PC. Note: You can do this for as many hard drives as possible.

8. Close The Application Causing The Issue 

If you have noticed that a program running on your computer is the one that causes high memory usage on your computer, simply close it by making use of the steps outlined in solution 2. 

9. Disable SysMain (Superfetch)

Because these are relatively hefty apps that demand a lot of RAM to run, Windows programs like Superfetch are oftentimes the brains behind difficulties like this. On Windows computers, Superfetch preloads the apps you frequently use on your computer, which isn’t particularly useful and takes up a lot of space. Disabling this application, on the other hand, will help free up a lot of memory, and here’s how to accomplish it: Step 1: Press Windows + R to open the Run command window. Step 2: Enter services.msc and hit OK. Step 3: Navigate to SysMain(Superfetch) on the services list and click on it. Then select Stop to end the service. Step 4: Right-click the SysMain service and click on Properties. Step 5: Afterward, select the Startup type on the SysMain Properties window and change it to Disabled. Step 6: Click Apply then OK to save the changes. 

10. Update Drivers and BIOS/UEFI Firmware  

Drivers and BIOS/UEFI firmware updates are to make your computer function well. So it’s recommended to update them as frequently as possible. To check for drivers updates, go to device manager by searching via the search box»>click on Action at the top of the Device Manager Page and select Scan for hardware changes. If any updates are required, this action will scan for them and update your drivers. 

11. Check Current Appointment RAM 

To be sure of where the issue is coming from, you can check the Memory Usage via Resource Monitor. Here is how: Step 1: Type Resource Monitor on the Windows Search box and select Run as administrator. Step 2: Switch to the Memory tab to check the current appointment of RAM on your computer. RELATED: How to Run File Explorer As Administrator in Windows 11

12. Increase Hard Memory 

This solution can be achieved in two ways: by eliminating unnecessary programs and files from your computer or by utilizing additional/external storage options. This will free up more space on your computer for operations and programs to operate and therefore fix high memory usage on the computer.

How do I free up RAM and CPU?

If you are looking for how to free up RAM on your Windows PC, this is for you:

  1. Uninstall or close unused apps
  2. Restart your computer
  3. Adjust Virtual Memory on your PC
  4. Use Antivirus
  5. Update Windows

Is 100% CPU Usage normal?

If your computer is running on 100% CPU usage, it is probably being overworked and can also be due to malware on the system. Your computer will become slow as a result of this problem. Whatever the cause of your high CPU consumption, be sure to close unnecessary apps while running heavy programs and conduct a malware scan on your PC on a regular basis.

What does clearing the CPU do to your computer?

Essentially, cleaning your computer’s CPU speeds up the computer by allowing programs to run more efficiently. So, you can use the task manager to close any apps that aren’t in use by: Step 1: Open the task manager. Step 2: Go through the Processes list and click on the ones that are not being used. Step 3: Click on such a program and select End Process.

Final Words

These solutions discussed in the article are to fix high RAM and CPU usage and allow heavy programs to operate without causing any problems to your computer. Besides, overclocking your PC, which is only recommended for those who understand how it works, is another effective technique to resolve issues like this. However, if done right, the fixes suggested in the article will work exceptionally well in resolving the issue. RECOMMENDED READS FOR YOU: How to Fix Empty Space Between Apps on Taskbar in Windows 10/11 Get Help With File Explorer in Windows 10 How to Fix Mouse Cursor Disappears on Windows 11

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