Errors like this is result from something not right in your registry. For that we need to fix it so that the installation of Windows 10 can be continued to the next process.

You can follow this guide to overcome “The computer restart unexpectedly”.

  1. Press the “Shift + F10” key when the error message appears.2) Command Prompt will open, type “regedit” and press the “ENTER” key.3) It will then open regedit editor. Please go to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > SETUP > STATUS > CHILD COMPLETION.4) Double-click on “Setup.exe” and change the value from “1” to “3“. Then click OK.5) Next you can continue the installation process as usual. Sometimes you also need to turn on your PC again if it restarts itself. That’s the tutorial how to solve the problem of error “The computer restart unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error“, “Windows Installation Cannot Proceed“. Hopefully this can help those of you who are confused when installing Windows 10. Read more about Computer Not Recognizing GPU, Learn More About Computer Hardware Components, How to Maintain Well the Hardware Device of Computer?